Monday, September 17, 2007

Weight Sense Concepts Weeks 1 & 2

Week 1
* 100% Carbs convert to glucose which gets stored as fat if not burned by the body as energy
* Carbs provide energy in it's shortest timeframe. In other words, if all I eat for breakfast is carbs, I'll be hungry in 1.5 hours. If I add a protein, I'll be sustained for 4-6 hours.
* Every potato chip has 1gm of fat in it
* Substitute oils with sprays
* Women should eat 120-180 carbs/day, Men should eat 200 carbs/day
* 1 serving of carbs = 15 carb gms.
* Women should eat 20-30gms of fiber/day
* 90% of fats are stored by the body as fat--that's why a low fat diet is best

* Look for reduced fat and light
* Fat free is usually higher calorie because to take the fat out, manufacturers have to add sugar
* Fiber is harder for the body to breakdown, therefore takes longer to leave the system and leaves you feeling full for longer
* It's best to shop in the perimeters of the store
* Meals should consist of: small starch, lean protien, lots of fruits and veggies
* Hamburger should be at least 90% lean
* Not drinking enough water causes the kidneys to work harder, causes the liver to work harder and therefore causes the body to store more fat. DRINK WATER!
* 7-10 oz of protien/meal
* Leanest meats are loin or round
* Women should have 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies/day and less than 40gm of fat/day
* Food label; for each 1 gm fat, there should be 100 cal.

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