Monday, September 24, 2007

Weight Sense week 3

Week 3: Energy Expenditure

This was a great week. I love talking about exercise cause it really motivates me to get moving. This week I have my fitness evaluation which I'm very excited about, but I'm also bracing myself for my performance to be way less than I hope. Oh well, I gotta start somewhere.
Here's the things we learned today:

* The 3 components that make up our metabolism are:
resting metabolic rate

* Cardiovascular exercise is the most effective type of exercise for fat burn.
* Strength training is important because muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest

* The greatest control over metabolism lies with physical activity

* It is recommended that we burn an extra 500 calories per day for weight loss.

* The challenges this week were:
Journal what we eat, how we are feeling when we eat and when and how we exercise
Get organized with planning meals so that we are not as likely to eat and go
Find ways to add exta activity in our days like parking further away and not using drive-ups

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